How to make a DIY flower crown

I’ve written before about my of mid summer and everything that it involves and whilst away on a short restorative break last month, I gathered a few flowers the from the fields surrounding me and made myself a crown to wear. It was for nothing more than my own pleasure and I wanted to share the process with you, so you can go and create your own floral beauty this mid summer.


I chose flowers that I know will dry, thus giving the headdress longevity and holding on those memories I made in the Welsh hills. The flower crown is hanging from my wall in my studio and it still looks a gorgeous a few weeks on.

My main advice when making crowns is to simply have fun and enjoy the process, it’s extremely hard to go wrong when creating these and they are to be worn so fleetingly, the odd flower out of place matters not a jot.

  • A length of wire, I have used a type which has a soft raffia wrapped around it but it really doesn’t matter so long as it has even strength to hold steady

  • Thin wire such a bullion wire

  • A mix of fresh flowers, grasses and seed heads. I have used nigella, poppy heads, quaking grass, oxeye daisies, buttercups and a few meadow grasses

  • A length of ribbon, i used a naturally dyed silk ribbon

Fresh flowers for Flower Crown Making

Step 1: Take your sturdy wire and cut a length the diameter of your head, turn both ends in to make small loops from which you will loop your ribbon through
Step 2: Starting at an end of your choosing, wrap one end of your thin wire around the thicker wire, securing by twisting back on itself a number of times

Flower crown making for mid summer

Step 3: Gather a small selection of your materials, stripping any unwanted leaves off the stalks of the plants
Step 4: Lay over the top of your secured wire and wrap said wire around the stalk of the flowers and seed heads a number of times to keep it in place. When wrapping the wire round, try to keep a little looseness in the wire to allow the flowers and foliage to move

Mae your own flower crown

Step 5: Now keep on layering your flowers and foliage along the wire. Think about the structure and flow of the flower crown and if you feel the need, take a long in the mirror with it held up to your head. How big and how far you go round the crown is entirely up to you!

The making of a fresh flower crown

Step 6: When you are happy with crown and want to finish it off, the next step is to wrap the wire really tightly around the last stems, cutting off any unwanted lengths. Then make a final posy with a selection of flowers that will compliment the flower crown. Lay this posy over the top of the final steps but facing in the opposite direction.

fresh flower crown

Step 7: Carefully, taking your wire, wrap around and under this posy. This part is pretty tricky so do take care, what you are aiming for is to cover up all the stalks of both directions of flowers whilst also making sure that the crown flows all the way round

Mid summer flower crown

Step 8: Once you are happy with the wire securing holding the flowers in place, tuck the end of the wire in through an existing loop and ensure that the end is not going to harm your head when you place the crown on top of it

Step 8: Finish by looping your ribbon through both ends and tying in a bow

DIY flower crown

If you are looking for dried flowers to make flower crowns with, check out my dried flower bar here where I have many blooms for sale.