Everlasting Flower Bouquets

Everlasting Flower Bouquets


Ethereal everlasting flower bouquets, woven together with the stems of wildflowers, annuals, seedheads and grasses to create an incredible display of everlasting beauty.

These bouquets arrive wrapped in brown paper tissue and tied with a length of natural twine, making the most perfect of gifts for yourself or a loved one. The bouquets will be ready to be displayed in a vase when they arrive or if you’re feeling creative, they can be carefully taken apart to be reworked and placed in smaller vases around your home.

If your order is a gift, I can happily send a handwritten note with the bouquet, please leave details when you finalise your order.

Please allow 2 weeks for dispatch of these items as each one is lovingly handmade to order - if you need something sooner please reach out to me and I will do my best to accommodate

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