Posts tagged flowers
Top Tips for Wreath Making

Fancy making your own wreath? Read my top tips here to guide you on your way!

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Exquisite Fresh Pasta with Pressed Edible Flowers 

I’ve been wanting to try to make this for such a long time and so thank goodness for the rain that came today which meant I didn’t want to spend so much time in the garden and for the wonderful Zoe from Delicately Edible who sent me some of her home grown edible flowers this week. The perfect combination to give me the push I needed to try this little experiment!

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DIY Wildflower Seed Hearts

Show the love this Valentines by making your own wildflower seed heart for your loves ones and friends. Let me show you how, it's so simple!

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Decorating with Nature this Christmas

Styling my house  and table for Christmas is something I have always loved doing, ever since I was a little girl and I used to help my mother prepare her house. I still have some of the decorations she used such as silver clip candle holders that belonged to her mum. Back then there was a lot of oasis used to make big show stopping centre pieces and hanging decorations and whilst I still use many of the same things to decorate my house as my mother did, I have evolved my own style.

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An Autumn Wreath Gathering

A few weekends ago I was lucky enough to teach my style of wreath making to a wonderful bunch of women (and even one man!). I took over the atmospheric workspace at Wattle and Daub, fittingly on the Autumn equinox. And filled the space with endless amounts of foliage and flowers foraged and dried by myself.

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Autumn Harvesting: Collecting & Saving Seeds

I’ve put together a short guide on how to gather and store seeds, with a few things that I have learnt along the way. I hope it encourages you to head out and find seeds of your own ready for next year.

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