Posts in Gardening
The Diary of a Dried Flower Garden: April

Spring is here! Shout it from the rooftops as the birds and blooms most certainly are. This month is one of the busiest when it comes to the garden as the pace with which things are growing increases as sometimes inconceivable speeds. Potting on, second sowings, pricking out and then all the dahlias warming up. It can be too much at times but is so worth any effort put in now.

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Finding Happiness During Hard Times: seeking out calm during coronavirus lock down

During hard times, it can be challenging to feel joy or happiness. With uncertainty comes worry and anxieties which can play heavily on our minds and impact our ability to see the positives. Now more than ever, during lock down, we need to be seeking out those small moments of joy in our days, finding solace and allowing ourselves the space to create calm to slow down our minds.

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The Diary of a Dried Flower Garden: February

I’m going to be honest with you, February has been a real struggle for me, I’ve spent hardly any time outside in the garden or on the allotment. The year started so well, with really good intentions and a smattering of clear blue skies over the course of the month. Then February arrived, and with it, for many of us, over double the amount of monthly rainfall. It has felt non-stop and quite frankly has made me quite despondent.

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The diary of a dried flower garden: January

It's the start of a new year and with it comes the incomparable excitement and anticipation of the green shoots of Spring arriving. This is the first in my monthly series on growing a dried flower garden

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Small Space Gardening: the beginnings

This is the start of the transformation of my garden from a wanna be English Country garden to a fruitful prairie style space. Find out why I’m changing the design of my garden and how I’m going about doing it!

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The Return of Dried Flowers: seeds I'm sowing this year

Join me as I share with you a few of my favourite flowers to grow and dry.

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West Acre Gardens: a garden of dreams and inspirations

I’ve been visiting Norfolk for many years as both my mum and dad are now based up there as well my remaining grandparents. And for a very long time I would travel up and do the same things over and over again, visiting places I love such as walking the north Norfolk coast line to a favourite pub or eating in a much loved restaurant. But recently I have been making an effort to explore more, to step out of the routine that I fall into when I stay with my family and to take the boys to new places.

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Autumn Harvesting: Collecting & Saving Seeds

I’ve put together a short guide on how to gather and store seeds, with a few things that I have learnt along the way. I hope it encourages you to head out and find seeds of your own ready for next year.

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